Combination Pipe and Electronic |
Builder: | Kilgen |
Rebuilder: | Moller-Wicks |
Date: | 1949 1996 |
Manuals: | IV |
Ranks: | 118 |
Action: | Electro-Pneumatic |
Great |
16 |
Spitz Principal |
8 |
First Diapason |
8 |
Second Diapason |
8 |
Third Diapason |
8 |
Spitz Principal |
8 |
Doppel Flute |
8 |
Clarabella |
8 |
Gamba |
4 |
Octave |
4 |
Principal |
4 |
Hohlflute |
2 2/3 |
Twelfth |
2 |
Fifteenth |
V |
Full Mixture |
Tremulant |
16 |
Contra Tromba |
ext. Tromba |
8 |
Tromba |
4 |
Tromba Clarion |
ext. Tromba |
Chimes |
Great Sub |
Great Unison Off |
Great Super |
8 |
Tuba Mirabilis |
Dome [d] |
8 |
Trompette |
Solo |
8 |
Tuba |
Choir |
MIDI on Great |
8 |
Principal |
Swell |
16 |
Lieblich Gedeckt |
8 |
Diapason |
8 |
Geigen |
8 |
Rohrflute |
8 |
Salicional |
8 |
Voix Celeste |
8 |
Flute Dolce |
8 |
Flute Celeste |
TC |
4 |
Octave Geigen |
4 |
Harmonic Flute |
2 2/3 |
Nazard |
2 |
Wald Flute |
IV |
Scharf |
16 |
Posaune |
8 |
Trumpet |
8 |
Oboe |
8 |
Vox Humana |
4 |
Clarion |
Tremulant |
Swell Sub |
Swell Unison Off |
Swell Super |
8 |
Tuba |
Choir |
8 |
Tuba Mirabilis |
Dome [d] |
8 |
State Trumpet |
Gallery [d] |
8 |
Trompette |
Solo |
MIDI on Swell |
Melody Octave |
Cymbelstern |
Choir |
16 |
Dulciana |
8 |
Diapason |
8 |
Geigen Diapason |
8 |
Gedeckt |
8 |
Concert Flute |
8 |
Flute Celeste |
TC |
8 |
Gemshorn |
8 |
Gemshorn Celeste |
TC |
8 |
Dulciana |
8 |
Unda Maris |
TC |
4 |
Principal |
4 |
Fugara |
4 |
Suabe Flute |
2 2/3 |
Rohr Nazard |
2 |
Fifteenth |
2 |
Piccolo |
1 3/5 |
Tierce |
1 1/3 |
Larigot |
1 1/7 |
Septieme |
Fourniture |
Cymbale |
8 |
Cor Anglais |
8 |
Clarinet |
Treumlant |
Harp |
Choir Sub |
Choir Unison Off |
Choir Super |
Melody Octave |
8 |
Tuba |
4 |
Tuba Clarion |
MIDI on Choir |
Chancel |
8 |
Nason Flute |
[d] |
8 |
Erzahler |
[d] |
8 |
Erzahler Celeste |
[d] |
4 |
Koppelflute |
[d] |
Dome |
8 |
Principal |
4 |
Octave |
IV |
Full Mixture |
IV |
Scharf |
V |
Mounted Cornet |
TC |
Solo |
8 |
Diapason |
8 |
Cello |
8 |
Cello Celeste |
TC |
8 |
Gedeckt Pommer |
4 |
Flute Ouverte |
16 |
Corno di Bassetto |
[d] |
8 |
State Trumpet |
Gallery [d] |
8 |
Tuba Mirabilis |
Dome [d] |
8 |
Tuba |
Choir |
8 |
Trompette |
8 |
English Horn |
[d] |
8 |
Orchestral Oboe |
[d] |
8 |
French Horn |
4 |
Clarion Harmonique |
Tremulant |
Chimes |
Harp |
MIDI on Solo |
Solo Sub |
Solo Unison Off |
Solo Super |
Gallery |
8 |
Principal |
8 |
Gedeckt |
8 |
Vox Angelica II |
4 |
Octave |
4 |
Prestant |
4 |
Flute Traverso |
V |
Plein Jeu |
IV |
Cymbale |
16 |
Waldhorn |
8 |
Chorus Trumpet |
[d] |
8 |
Horn |
4 |
Clarion |
Chimes |
[d] |
Gallery Sub |
Gallery Super |
Gallery Pedal |
16 |
Contrebasse |
16 |
Gedeckt |
8 |
Octavebasse |
8 |
Gedeckt |
32 |
Fagotto |
[d] |
16 |
Waldhorn |
Pedal |
32 |
Contrabass |
[d] |
32 |
Subbass |
[d] |
16 |
Open Wood |
16 |
Open Metal |
[d] |
16 |
Spitz Principal |
Great |
16 |
Geigen |
16 |
Violone |
16 |
Dulciana |
Choir |
16 |
Bourdon |
16 |
Lieblich Gedeckt |
Swell |
10 2/3 |
Quint |
8 |
Octave Wood |
8 |
Principal |
8 |
Spitz Principal |
Great |
8 |
Geigen |
8 |
Bourdon |
8 |
Gedeckt |
5 1/3 |
Quint |
4 |
Choral Bass |
4 |
Blockflote |
4 |
Clarabella |
2 |
Doublette |
V |
Mixture |
32 |
Bombarde |
[d] |
32 |
Contra Posaune |
[d] |
16 |
Trombone |
16 |
Posaune |
Swell |
8 |
Tromba |
8 |
Posaune |
Swell |
4 |
Clarion |
MIDI on Pedal |
MIDI on Pedal Sub |
Chimes |
Great |
Couplers and Accessories
Great to Pedal, Swell To Pedal, Swell to Pedal 4', Choir to Pedal, Choir to Pedal 4', Solo to Pedal, Solo to Pedal 4', Gallery to Pedal, Swell to Great 16', Swell to Great, Swell to Great 4', Choir to Great 16', Choir to Great, Choir to Great 4', Solo to Great 16', Solo to Great, Solo to Great 4, Gallery to Great, Swell to Choir 16', Swell to Choir, Swell to Choir 4', Solo to Choir 16', Solo to Choir, Solo to Choir 4', Gallery to Choir, Choir to Swell, Solo to Swell, Gallery to Swell, Gallery to Solo, Great on Solo, Great Melodic Bass, All Swells to Swells, Pedal Divide, Great/Choir Transfer
Celestes off, Mixtures off, Reeds Off, Ensemble Pistons I - IV
24 Generals Pistons, 8 Great Thumb Pistons, 8 Swell Thumb Pistons, 8 Choir Thumb Pistons, 4 Gallery Thumb Pistons, 4 Coupler Thumb Pistons, Tutti I, Tutti II, Restore, Sequencer up
Sequencer down, Setter Piston, General Cancel
Generals 1 - 9, Pedal 1 - 8, Great 8, Swell 8, Choir 8, Solo 8, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Solo to Pedal, Sequencer up, Sequencer down
32' Subbass, 32' Contrabass, 32' Bombarde, 32' Contra Posaune, Tutti I, Tutti II
Piston Sequencer, Midi Sequencer Playback, 4 Programmable Crescendos, Midi In-Through-Out, Interfaces and Connectors, 99 Memory Levels
Updated February 24, 2016