200 West Harrison Street
Belleville, IL 62220-2090
Combination Pipe and Electronic |
Builder: | Christopher Soer |
Opus: | 1 |
Date: | 2022 |
Manuals: | III |
Ranks: | 44 |
Action: | Electro-Pneumatic |
Great |
16 |
Gemshorn |
[d] expressive |
8 |
Open Diapason |
8 |
Principal |
8 |
Harmonic Flute |
[d] expressive |
8 |
Bourdon |
4 |
Octave |
4 |
Rohr Flute |
2 |
Fifteenth |
IV |
Fourniture |
16 |
Contra Trumpet |
[d] expressive |
8 |
Trumpet |
[d] expressive |
4 |
Clarion |
[d] expressive |
8 |
Tuba Mirabilis |
CH |
Chimes |
CH |
Swell (expressive) |
16 |
Lieblich Gedeckt |
[d] |
8 |
Diapason |
[d] |
8 |
Gedeckt |
8 |
Viola |
8 |
Viola Celeste |
8 |
Flute Celeste II |
[d] |
4 |
Prestant |
4 |
Spire Flute |
2 2/3 |
Nazard |
[d] |
2 |
Blockflote |
1 3/5 |
Tierce |
[d] |
IV |
Scharf |
16 |
Contra Trompette |
[d] |
8 |
Trompette |
8 |
Oboe |
8 |
Vox Humana |
[d] |
4 |
Clarion |
[d] |
Tremolo |
Choir (expressive) |
16 |
Dulciana |
ext. |
8 |
Geigen Diapason |
8 |
Melodia |
8 |
Salicional |
8 |
Voix Celeste |
8 |
Dulciana |
8 |
Unda Maris |
4 |
Octave |
4 |
Harmonic Flute |
2 |
Flute Octavin |
[d] |
1 1/3 |
Larigot |
[d] |
8 |
French Horn |
[d] |
8 |
Clarinet |
[d] |
8 |
Tuba Mirabilis |
[d] |
Harp |
[d] |
Tremolo |
Nave Great |
8 |
Montre |
8 |
Bourdon |
4 |
Prestant |
II |
Cymbale |
Nave Positiv |
8 |
Gemshorn |
4 |
Flute á Cheminée |
2 |
Octavin |
Tremolo |
Pedal |
32 |
Flute Conique |
[d] expressive |
16 |
Principal |
16 |
Subbass |
16 |
Gemshorn |
GT |
16 |
Lieblich Gedeckt |
SW |
16 |
Dulciana |
CH |
8 |
Octave |
8 |
Bourdon |
8 |
Gedeckt |
4 |
Choral Bass |
4 |
Pommer |
32 |
Contra Posaune |
[d] expressive |
16 |
Posaune |
16 |
Contra Trompette |
16 |
Fagotto |
1-12 [d] SW |
8 |
Posaune |
4 |
Clarion |
Nave Pedal |
16 |
Soubasse |
8 |
Bourdon |
Couplers and Accessories
Gt 16,8,4, Sw 16,8,4, Ch 16,8.4, GtPed 8,4, SwPed 8,4, ChPed 8,4, SwGt 16,8,4, ChGt 16,8,4, SwCh 16.8.4. PedCh 8, Manual Transfer, Great/Pedal Expression on Choir Shoe, Gallery Front Shades Off, Cymbelstern
Former Organs
All-pipe |
Builder: | Moller |
Date: | 1968 |
Manuals: | III |
Ranks: | 40 |
Updated October 16, 2022