Gallery |
Combination Pipe and Electronic |
Builder: | Wicks |
Opus: | 4451 |
Date: | 1964 1999 |
Manuals: | III |
Action: | Electro-Pneumatic |
Manual Compass CC to c4 - 61 notes
Pedal Compass CCC to G - 32 notes
Console: Drawknobs, 45 degree Side Jambs
Built to AGO Specifications, Standard Keys
New Console and Digital Additions Installed in 2000
Great |
16' |
Violin |
D |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Diapason |
D |
8' |
Harmonic Flute |
D |
8' |
Flute Celeste II |
D |
8' |
Rohrflöte |
8' |
Violone |
D |
4' |
Octave |
4' |
Spitzflote |
2 2/3 |
Twelfth |
D |
2' |
Fifteenth |
IV |
Fourniture |
II |
Scharf |
8' |
Trumpet |
D |
8' |
English Tuba |
D |
Chimes |
D |
Melody Trumpet |
Tremulant |
D |
MIDI (Prepared) |
Swell |
16' |
Lieblich Gedeckt |
D |
8' |
Geigen Principal |
D |
8' |
Gedeckt |
8' |
Viola |
8' |
Viola Celeste |
D |
8' |
Salicional |
8' |
Voix Celeste |
4' |
Gedeckt |
4' |
Octave |
D |
2 2/3 |
Nazard |
2' |
Flute |
1 3/5 |
Tierce |
IV |
Plein Jeu |
D |
16' |
Contre Trumpet |
D |
8' |
Trumpet |
8' |
Hautbois |
D |
4' |
Clarion |
D |
Zimblstern |
Tremulant |
Choir |
8' |
Principal |
D |
8' |
Gedeckt |
D |
8' |
Gemshorn |
D |
8' |
Gemshorn Celeste |
D |
4' |
Octave |
D |
4' |
Flute |
D |
2' |
Spitz Octave |
D |
1 1/3 |
Quint |
D |
Mixture |
D |
8' |
Krummhorn |
D |
8' |
English Horn |
D |
8' |
English Tuba |
D |
Harp |
D |
Tremulant |
D |
Pedal |
32' |
Principal |
D |
32' |
Bourdon |
D |
16' |
Principal |
16' |
Subbass |
D |
16' |
Quintade |
16' |
Violone (Great) |
D |
8' |
Spitzprincipal |
8' |
Still Gedackt |
8' |
Gemshorn |
D |
4' |
Choral Bass |
D |
4' |
Nachthorn |
Mixture |
32' |
Kontra Posune |
D |
16' |
Posaune |
D |
16' |
Fagott |
8' |
English Tuba (Choir) |
D |
8' |
Trumpet (Swell) |
4' |
Rohrschalmei |
D |
Couplers and Accessories
Swell Sub, Swell, Unison Off, Swell Super
Swell to Great Sub, Swell to Great Unison, Swell to Great Super
Swell to Chor Sub, Swell to Choir Unison, Swell to Choir Super
Choir Sub, Choir Unison Off, Choir Super
Choir to Great Sub, Choir to Great Unison, Choir to Great Super
Great Super
Swell to Pedal Unison, Swell to Pedal Super
Choir to Pedal Unison, Choir to Pedal Super
Great to Pedal Unison, Great to Pedal Super
Combination Pistons
6 Thumb Pistons affecting the Great + Cancel
6 Thumb Pistons affecting the Swell + Cancel
6 Thumb Pistons affecting the Choir + Cancel
6 Toe Pistons affecting the Pedal
12 General Pistons affecting the entire organ
12 Toe Pistons affecting the entire organ (duplicates Thumb Pistons)
Thumb and Toe - Sequencer Up/Down
General Cancel
Balanced Swell Expression Pedal
Balanced Choir Expression Pedal
Crescendo Pedal (programmable)
Crescendo Incremental Indicator Light
Combination Lock
Wind Indicator Light
Music Rack Light
Pedal Light
Adjustable Bench
Great to Pedal Reversible Thumb/Toe
Swell to Pedal Reversible Thumb/Toe
32' Bourdon Reversible Toe
Sforzando (programmable) Reversible Thumb/Toe
Sforzando Indicator Light
Motor Switch
Extra Regulator for Fanfare Trumpet
Wicks Exclusive Optical Keying System
Solid-State Relay System
MIDI In-Through-Out Interfaces
MIDI Functions - 8 Pistons (2 per division with indicator lights)
MIDI Sustain Toe Stud
13 Piston Transposer (6 Semi-Tones Sharp, 6 Semi-Tones Flat, Normal)
Digital Package includes Amplifiers and Speakers
2 Pistons for Memory Level Up/Down
2 Pistons for MIDI Sequencer Start/Stop
Updated November 3, 2010