All-pipe |
Builder: | Schantz |
Date: | 1979 2004 |
Manuals: | II |
Ranks: | 11 |
Organ was built for original sanctuary, reinstalled in new sanctuary in 2004.
Great |
8 |
Principal |
8 |
Rohrflöte |
(sw) |
4 |
Octave |
2 2/3 |
Quinte |
(sw) |
2 |
Fifteenth |
IV |
Mixture |
8 |
Trompette |
(sw) |
Great 16 |
Great 4 |
Unison Off |
Swell to Great 16 |
Swell to Great 8 |
Swell to Great 4 |
Swell |
8 |
Rohrflöte |
8 |
Gemshorn |
8 |
Gemshorn Celeste |
4 |
Rohrflöte |
2 |
Flöte |
1 1/3 |
Quinte |
8 |
Trompette |
Swell 16 |
Swell 4 |
Unison Off |
Pedal |
16 |
Gedackt |
(sw) |
8 |
Principal |
(gt) |
8 |
Gemshorn |
(sw) |
8 |
Rohrflöte |
(sw) |
4 |
Octave |
(gt) |
8 |
Trompette |
(sw) |
4 |
Clarion |
(sw) |
Great to Pedal 8 |
Great to Pedal 4 |
Swell to Pedal 8 |
Swell to Pedal 4 |
Couplers and Accessories
Updated August 26, 2016