Combination Pipe and Electronic |
Builder: | Wicks |
Opus: | 6413 |
Date: | 2004 |
Manuals: | III |
Ranks: | 3 |
Hauptwerk |
16 |
Violon |
8 |
Prinzipal |
8 |
Rohrflöte |
8 |
Harmonic Flute |
8 |
Viole |
4 |
Oktav |
Pipe |
4 |
Hohlflöte |
2 |
Oktavin |
II |
Solo Kornett |
IV |
Mixtur |
16 |
Fagott |
8 |
Trompete |
4 |
Klarine |
8 |
Trompette de Fete |
Chimes |
Zimbelstern |
7 Bells |
Transposer on/off |
Schwellwerk (Expressive) |
16 |
Rohr Bordun |
8 |
Geigend Prinzipal |
8 |
Schwebung |
8 |
Metal Gedeckt |
8 |
Gemshorn |
8 |
Gemshorn Celeste |
4 |
Spitz Prinzipal |
4 |
Koppelflöte |
2 2/3 |
Nasat |
2 |
Nachthorn |
1 3/5 |
Terz |
IV |
Scharff |
16 |
Chalumeau |
8 |
Trompette |
8 |
Hautbois |
4 |
Clairon |
Tremulant |
Chorwerk (Expressive) |
8 |
Spitz Prinzipal |
8 |
Holzgedeckt |
8 |
Erzähler |
8 |
Erzähler Celeste |
4 |
Oktav |
4 |
Schweizerpfeife |
2 |
Oktavin |
1 1/3 |
Quintflöte |
Zimbel |
16 |
Dulzian |
8 |
Cor Anglais |
8 |
Krummhorn |
4 |
Schalmei |
Tremulant |
8 |
Tuba |
Pedal |
32 |
Contra Violone |
16 |
Principal |
Pipe |
16 |
Subbass |
16 |
Violone |
8 |
Prinzipal |
Pipe |
8 |
Bourdon |
4 |
Choralbass |
Pipe |
IV |
Mixtur |
32 |
Bombarde |
16 |
Posaune |
16 |
Fagott |
8 |
Tromba |
4 |
Rohr Schalmei |
Couplers and Accessories
SH 8, SP 8, 4, CH 8, SC 8, CP 8, 4, HP 8, 8 Thumb Pistons and Cancel affecting the Hauptwerk, 8 Thumb Pistons and Cancel affecting the Schwellwerk, 8 Thumb Pistons and Cancel affecting the Chorwerk, 8 Toe Studs affecting the Pedal, 12 General Pistons affecting the entire organ duplicated by Toe Studs, General Cancel, Setter Piston, 32 Memory Levels, Hauptwerk to Pedal Reversible - Thumb & Toe, Schwellwerk to Pedal Reversible - Thumb & Toe, Chorwerk to Pedal Reversible - Thumb & Toe, Zimbelstern Reversible - Toe, Sforzando Reversible – Thumb & Toe ,Sforzando Indicator Light, Movable Console with built-in Casters, All Stops and Couplers on Drawknobs in Jambs, Thumb Piston for Divisional to Pedal Piston Reversible with Indicator Light, 3 Hauptwerk Thumb Pistons (6-8)are duplicated by Toe Studs, 13-Position Transposer: 6 Sharp; 6 Flat; Normal, LED Indicator for Transposer On, Crescendo and Sforzando are Programmable, 3 Plug-In Stations for Main Cable
Updated February 20, 2008