
St. Louis
Organ Archive

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

327 Woods Mill Road
Ballwin, MO 63011-4300

Combination Pipe and Electronic

16   Violone [d]
8   Principal
8   Harmonic Flute [d]
8   Gedeckt
8   Viole
8   Flute Celeste II [d]
4   Octave
4   Spitzflöte
2   Super Octave
IV   Fourniture
8   Krummhorn
8   Festival Trumpet [d]
   Chimes [d]
   Zimbelstern [d]
   Flute Tremulant
   MIDI On
Swell (expressive)
16   Lieblich Gedeckt [d]
8   Geigen Principal
8   Rohrflöte
8   Viole
8   Viole Celeste TC
4   Octave Geigen
4   Transverse Flute
2 2/3   Nasat [d]
2   Blockflöte [d]
1 3/5   Terz TC
III   Mixture
8   Trumpet
8   English Horn [d]
8   Oboe [d]
4   Clarion [d]
8   Festival Trumpet [d]
   MIDI On
Choir (expressive)
8   Diapason [d]
8   MIDI On [d]
8   Gemshorn Celeste [d]
8   Erzähler [d]
8   Erzähler Celeste [d]
4   Principal [d]
4   Flute [d]
2   Piccolo [d]
1 1/3   Quinte [d]
8   Clarinet [d]
8   Festival Trumpet [d]
   MIDI On
32   Violone [d]
16   Principal
16   Subbass
16   Lieblich Gedeckt (sw)
16   Violone [d]
8   Principalbass
8   Gedeckt (gt)
4   Choralbass
4   Harmonic Flute [d]
16   Posaune [d]
8   Posaune [d]
4   Rohr Schalmei [d]
   MIDI On

Couplers and Accessories

Couplers - SG 16,8,4, CG 16,8,4, SC 16,8,4, SS 16,8,4, CC 16,8,4, GP8, SP8,4, CP8 Combination Action - 8 Thumb Pistons and Cancel affecting the Great, 8 Thumb Pistons and Cancel affecting the Swell, 8 Thumb Pistons and Cancel affecting the Choir, 8 Toe Studs affecting the Pedal, 12 General Pistons affecting the entire organ duplicated by Toe Studs, General Cancel, Setter Piston, 32 Memory Levels. Accessories - Balanced Great and Pedal Expression Pedal for digital stops only, Balanced Swell Expression Pedal, Balanced Choir Expression Pedal, Crescendo Pedal, Crescendo Indicator Bar Graph, Lock on Combination Setter, Music Rack Light, Pedal Light, Adjustable Bench, Swell to Pedal Reversible - Thumb and Toe, Great to Pedal Reversible - Thumb and Toe, Choir to Pedal Reversible - Thumb and Toe, Sforazndo Indicator Light, Moveable Console with Built-In Casters, Wicks Exclusive Optical Keying System, Wicks Solid State Relay System, MIDI Interface and Connectors, 13 position Transposer: 6 flat, normal, 6 sharp, 2 Pistons for sequencer start/stop.
Updated February 9, 2012