All-pipe |
Builder: | Wicks |
Opus: | 3479 |
Date: | 2001 |
Manuals: | II |
Ranks: | 9 |
Action: | Electric |
Great |
8 |
Principal |
8 |
Gemshorn |
4 |
Octave |
4 |
Gemshorn |
2 2/3 |
Gemshorn Twelfth |
2 |
Super Octave |
1 3/5 |
Gemshorn Seventeenth |
1 |
Gemshorn |
8 |
Trompette |
Swell (enclosed) |
8 |
Rohrgedeckt |
8 |
Gamba |
4 |
Voix Celeste |
TC |
4 |
Klein Principal |
4 |
Gedeckt |
2 |
Piccolo |
8 |
Trompette |
4 |
Clairon |
Tremulant |
Pedal |
32 |
Resultant |
16 |
Principal |
16 |
Rohrbourdon |
8 |
Octave |
8 |
Gedeckt |
4 |
Choralbass |
8 |
Trompette |
4 |
Clairon |
Couplers and Accessories
Couplers - SG16'8'4', GG16'4', Great Unison, SS16'4', Swell Unison, GP8'4', SP8'4', Combination Action - 5 General Pistons affecting the entire organ, 3 memory levels, Great to Pedal Reversible - Toe
Updated July 29, 2012