All-pipe |
Builder: | Martin Ott |
Opus: | 114 |
Date: | 2015 |
Manuals: | II |
Ranks: | 33 |
Action: | Mechanical, Electro-Pneumatic |
Hauptwerk |
16 |
Gemshorn |
16 |
Bourdon |
Sw |
8 |
Prinzipal |
8 |
Gemshorn |
ext from 16 |
8 |
Rohrflöte |
4 |
Oktave |
4 |
Flöte |
2 2/3 |
Nasat |
2 |
Oktave |
1 3/5 |
Terz |
IV |
Mixtur |
1 1/3 |
8 |
Trompete |
Tremulant |
Zimbelstern |
Chimes |
Schwellwerk |
16 |
Bourdon |
ep |
8 |
Gedeckt |
ext from 16 |
8 |
Geigen Diapason |
8 |
Viola Celeste |
TC |
4 |
Principal |
4 |
Blockflöte |
II |
Sesquialter |
TC |
2 |
Nachthorn |
1 1/3 |
Larigo |
Scharf |
1 |
16 |
Oboe |
ep |
8 |
Oboe |
ext from 16 |
8 |
Krummhorn |
Tremulant |
Pedal |
16 |
Gemshorn |
HW |
16 |
Subbass |
16 |
Bourdon |
SW |
8 |
Oktave |
8 |
Gemshorn |
ext from 16 |
8 |
Gedeckt |
4 |
Octave |
4 |
Gemshorn |
HW |
16 |
Posaune |
16 |
Oboe |
SW |
8 |
Pedal Trompete |
8 |
Oboe |
SW |
Couplers and Accessories
Swell to Great with reversible thumb piston
Great to Pedal with reversible thumb & toe pistons
Swell to Pedal with reversible thumb & toe pistons
Adjustable bench (by crank).
Light for music rack and pedal board.
The organ console shall be attached to the organ case, with adherence to AGO standards.
The stops shall be controlled by draw knobs.
The organ case shall be of oak and the design shall be approved by the church.
The organ shall have pipe shades.
The organ shall be tonally finished in the church.
The stop action shall be electric.
There shall be a combination action with eight (64) modes:
HW 1-2-3-4 thumb
SW 1-2-3-4 thumb
PED 1-2-3-4 thumb & toe
General 1-2-3-4-5-6 thumb & toe
Cancel thumb
Set thumb
Tutti thumb & toe
Updated September 23, 2015