
St. Louis
Organ Archive

Glendale Presbyterian Church

500 N. Sappington Road
Glendale, MO 63122

Combination Pipe and Electronic

The new two-manual and pedal, 6-rank, Quimby Pipe Organ is the first pipe organ in the fifty-two year history of Glendale Presbyterian Church. The instrument was completed in April 2003 and dedicated to the Glory of God on April 27, 2003.

The Great Principal rank, Pedal Principal rank, and Trumpet rank are unenclosed and the Gedeckt, Viola, and Nazard are under expression. Since the ranks do not have a distinct home manual, the manual divisions are Manual I and Manual II.

The casework of the organ, built by QPO, contains 31 painted zinc pipes of which 12 are functional. Care was taken with the design to give the impression that the pipe organ had been installed at the time the building was constructed in the early 1950s.

The console for this installation was built utilizing tilting tablets. The key and stop functions are controlled by a Peterson multiplex relay system. The combination action, also by Peterson, has 32 levels of memory. Michael Quimby and Eric Johnson, Head Voicer, determined the tonal design, scaling and voicing treatment.

Manual I
8   Principal (1-12 Pedal)
8   Gedeckt enclosed
8   Viola enclosed
4   Octave
4   Gedeckt
2 2/3   Nazard enclosed
2   Super Octave
8   Trompette
4   Clarion (Trpt)
   Manual I to Manual II
   MIDI to Manual I
Manual II
8   Gedeckt
8   Viola
4   Principal
4   Gedeckt
4   Viola
2 2/3   Nazard
2   Octave
2   Gedeckt
8   Trompette
   MIDI to Manual II
16   Gedeckt 1-12 digital
8   Principal
8   Gedeckt
8   Viola
4   Octave
8   Trompette
4   Trompette
   Manual I to Pedal
   Manual II to Pedal

Couplers and Accessories

Sources: Quimby Pipe Organs

Updated September 30, 2008