Hope United Church of Christ
6273 Eichelberger Street
St. Louis, MO 63109
All-pipe |
Builder: | Harrison and Harrison |
Date: | 2002 |
Manuals: | II |
Ranks: | 28 |
Great |
16 |
Gemshorn |
8 |
Large Open Diapason |
8 |
Small Open Diapason |
8 |
Rohr Flute |
4 |
Principal |
4 |
Open Flute |
2 2/3 |
Octave Quint |
2 |
Fifteenth |
1 3/5 |
Tierce |
IV |
Mixture |
8 |
Trumpet |
Tremulant |
8 |
Festival Trumpet |
Tremolo |
Swell |
8 |
Geigen Principal |
8 |
Gedackt |
8 |
Salicional |
8 |
Celeste |
TC |
4 |
Octave Geigen |
4 |
Rohr Flute |
2 |
Flageolet |
Mixture |
16 |
Double Trumpet |
8 |
Cornopean |
8 |
Oboe |
Tremulant |
8 |
Festival Trumpet |
(GT) |
Octave |
Sub Octave |
Pedal |
32 |
Resultant Bass |
3 & 4 |
16 |
Open Diapason |
16 |
Sub Bass |
16 |
Gemshorn |
(GT) |
8 |
Principal |
8 |
Bass Flute |
ext S.B. |
4 |
Choral Bass |
16 |
Trombone |
16 |
Trumpet |
(SW) |
Couplers and Accessories
Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Swell to Great, Eight general pistons (duplicated by foot pistons), Eight foot pistons to the Pedal Organ, Six pistons to the Great Organ, Eight pistons to the Swell Organ,
Reversible pistons and *foot pistons: CP, SW, Gt. Trem., SG, Sw. Trem., Sw. Octave, Sw. Sub Octave, General cancel piston, Reversible piston to Full Organ, General Crescendo pedal, with multiple memories, The pistons have 40 memories, The console is mobile
Updated September 1, 2016